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TylerChase14 Application [POSTPONED]

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:58 pm
by TylerChase14
Name: TylerChase14

Real name: Tyler
Age: 18
Steam id:
Current In Game Name:
Do you have a Microphone: Yes
Do you Have TeamSpeak: Yes
How did you hear about CKW?:
Position Applying for: Member

Please tell us why would you like to join [CKW]:
I have many friends who are members and that have a clan type of thing the dysfunctional clan i think. Also I've been playing on the Dayz mod server for a couple months now and it seems just like a chill place to play with everyone.

Re: TylerChase14 Application

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:03 pm
by Massios
Welcome man! Best of luck. Hope to game with you soon.