Event Host Kingcrazy tribe (killer Squad)
Thursday July 30,2015 from 0000-2400 (12am-11:59pm)
Event Name is (The Hunt)
The Hunt will be about strictly PvP (Player VS Player) event where the whole server just goes around killing each others tribe with out any hoping they don't get raided.
There will be no raiding bases while the event is active. If you raid a base you will be raided to the point of a wipe by most of the big tribes.
There will be no Dino base killing. Killing someone Dino's while they riding it or out side the base is fair game.
There will be no turret breaking or running inside your base while in a fight. it will not be in the spirit of The Hunt.
Hopefully NO allies to make it more fun.
If you're sniping from your base you are fair game to get killed but not for them to get entry.
Loot Rules:
You Loot what you kill. Don't mean you can go inside someones base if you kill them in there base while feeding a Dino or something like that.
If you don't want to participate in the event stay in your base or risk getting killed while doing what you are doing.
Server 71 Event
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